X3 terran conflict xtended
X3 terran conflict xtended

x3 terran conflict xtended

In the X3 Universe, the 5 main races are at war with an alien race called the Kha'ak, they are also fighting an ongoing battle with a race of AI controlled machines called the Xenon.

x3 terran conflict xtended

As such, a general rule we try to follow is not to change any of the ES stock game assets, but try to add to them, expanding the game into a fuller experience for the player. XTM has a unique approach to modding X3:Reunion, we always try to extend the X3 universe and game style while trying not to upset the careful balance that Egosoft created in the original game. The X-Tended Mod 0.7.5 is a modification for the game X3: Reunion by Egosoft.

X3 terran conflict xtended